my name is not Liz Imbrie

By LizImbrie

Crete (1 of 5)

Dexter's first holiday!
Off to Crete for 5 days to visit my dad who bought a house out there a couple years ago. Crete not being the top of our holiday destination list (too hot and the food's not French enough), we had failed to make it out there until then.
It was decided that if we were to ever take Dex out, now would be an easier time to do so before he's mobile and on solids etc.

So, off we went.

Dexter amazed us all on the flight. Cabin pressure didn't faze him at all and apart from a ten minute bout of crying (while I was at the toilet at the other end of the plane and therefore oblivious), he either slept or charmed the pants of fellow passengers.

Arrived in Heraklion around 10pm Greek time where dad picked us up and took us to our hotel. Fairly frazzled by the end of the day but we survived it which was the main thing.

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