Off Centre

By RachelCarter

Is it because they reminded me of wine?

I threw myself into my new veg plot this evening.
It's tired and shabby now and really I will have to stop calling it "new" soon.

I cut out all the old broccoli and half of the sweetcorn, deadheaded a load of sunflowers, and humphed and harrumphed about the oldness and messiness and uneaten beans gone over, and felt a bit sad about the coming of winter and the period of nothing growingness that will soon be upon us.

I soon snapped out of that misery as I plodded around in my vest top surrounded by flowers and sunlight and deep golden warmth, and happened upon some glorious, deep red nasturtiums growing in the hedge. They'd been hidden by all the other stuff going on and I'd forgotten I'd chucked seeds in there months ago.

These ones are a deep deep bloody velvety red that I don't remember seeing before, and I loved them so much I had to snip a couple and bring them indoors. Nasturtiums really are truly beautiful when you look at them close up. They get used for companion planting with veg so often we forget to appreciate them in their own right but they are amazing close up.

I meant to take and use a photo proving how beautiful they are but then I ended up choosing this one because I like all the angles going on.

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