It's a baldy bald life!

By DrK

Bikes and Baristas

It's a funny old life. Yesterday I was discussing advanced training metrics and how to help an Olympic Champion ride even faster! Today I was assessing a coach at an after-school club in Didsbury!

"What football team do you support?" asked one 10 year old! "I don't really like football" I said. Then I was ganged up on! "Ok.....Hibs!" I was forced to say. "Who???" another replied, just like one would expect of a Manctunian Jambo! "They're Scottish" I said. "Did you want Yes or No in the referendum?" another asked like a disgruntled David Dimbleby. "This is hardly the time for discussing's a cycling session!" I said, turning to the girl holding the custard creams....."I love these biscuits" and was then handed one as if it was the most precious gift on earth. Ha ha ha... Beats TSS, FTP and Quadrant Analysis chat!

The session was great, watching the kids master riding up a quite a challenging grassy bank under expert tutelage. It was just as inspiring hearing how expertly the kids answered questions on riding technique. The session ended with some low speed descending followed by doing a tight turn round the cones. It was really challenging but everyone eventually mastered it in the end. The smiles and cheers when they did so made my day.

We rode back to the school and I chatted with the girls about their day. "It was alright but the teacher really patronised me when I got something wrong and embarrassed me in front of the class" said one. "Adults are sometimes rubbish" I said genuinely. Year 6 and 7's are really cool because they often see the world with more clarity than most adults and their brains are creative sponges!

The last challenge was to ride up a steep path and through a narrow gatey thing at the top without stopping. Ohhhh no......if I was on my own I don't think I would have made it but I didn't want to show myself up in front of a group of primary kids. I made it without touching the sides.
After a quick chat with the coach and a wave goodbye from the kids, I smashed it back to the centre of Manchester but failed to catch the train. way to getting to swimming for the 2nd night running. Rather, I headed to North Tea for a very fine latte made lovingly by Wayne.

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