On the Oder

Today was spent looking at an enormous flood prevention scheme on the Oder river in Poland. In 1997 the Oder flooded almost all of the city of Wroclaw (Rotswaff) and so they decided to build a huge flood prevention scheme to avoid it happening again.

The work stretches 10km either side of the city and involves replacing the banks, new weirs (including hydro power schemes), enormous channels to the side of the river that can take extra water, huge fish ladders to allow the fish free movement past the new works and a truly massive new flood plain.

Establishing the flood plain involved resettling 700 people who lived in the area. Some chose to move to new houses or flats, but 55 families chose to be moved to a brand new village that the authorities built for them.

This picture is in the centre of Wroclaw looking across the Oder to some older buildings including the Archbishop's house, which is in the middle of the shot.

We have been very lucky with the weather as it has been beautiful both days as you can see from this blip.

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