The Angel Wing Necklace

Our youngest, Alena, has had a few seizures over the past couple of years and has broken her shoulder twice because of them. She had one about four weeks ago, and fractured her shoulder quite badly. Alexus, (who will soon be nine, ) has a treasure box in her classroom at school. If you're good for two weeks, you can pick something from the treasure box. Alexus spotted this necklace and wanted it badly. She was very good for two weeks, and was able to pick the necklace. She brought it home to her mother and told her it was an angel wing necklace. She gave it to Alena and told her to wear it all the time because it would protect her and keep her from having more seizures and breaking her shoulder again. She told Alena, "If something happened to you, I wouldn't have a Mommy and I would be very sad." So, it's a very special necklace.

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