
By treegirl

Where's those pheasants?

Spent an enjoyable weekend with best friends in Dorset, who in turn were invited to a friend of theirs so I tagged along.
Had wonderful meal last night and a glass or two to vino and they put us all up overnight, which meant no one had to drive! This morning bright and early I was taking photos in the mist but they weren't great hence I haven't blipped them - shame really
This little fellow then came along with us all and four other dogs for a walk where they all scampered into a field edge where loads of pheasants were hiding. They had a great time but the owner if one dog couldn't call it back to heel and it scared all the birds!!
Shortly after a very, VERY angry gamekeeper came along and let's just say the there were words, some of them I hadn't heard for a long time and we were duly chastised. Oops
This one was tired after that but as you can see from photo enjoyed the whole experience.

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