Dr Who returns?
Things of nightmares. A bee the size of you!
OK - not really.
Had a busy day doing jobs after we snuck off yesterday for a few hours and spent all day out.
Like the dutiful husband I was helping with the usual chores when I i saw a bee crawling around the grass when I was hanging out the washing. On my return a couple of hours later it was stock still. It still had it's sting attached so hadn't stung anything to cause it's demise.
Anyhow, what an opportunity to have a crack at some real macro. This was shot using a manual 50mm lens on bellows at f8 1sec exposure using natural light and a slide viewer underneath to create some light from underneath - a total 17 images at slightly different focus points and then focus stacked in Helicon Focus. 15 minutes work to set up, take and process.
A couple of bits have been cloned out using content aware in PS. They were bits that had got stuck to the bee and were too distracting. If content aware hadn't worked it would have been a bit a cloning task, but that saved the effort. Its difficult to see where those bits were.
View large if you dare!!!
Anyway, I still have jobs to do….
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