Washed Up At Maywick

The wind has fallen away to a fine gentle breeze and a mostly sunny day, warm too :)

A lazy morning, I was suffering a bit after last night! I did manage to get the washing out on the line. I did finally get some energy and mam came to pick me up and we headed south with niece Elise to see my brother Jonny and family. We spent a while at the Bigton playpark and the bairns had a great time :) Off to Maywick beach next for a visit while we were in the area.
I'm working later in the pub tonight and then back to work in the museum tomorrow, first off to see auntie Binnie in Scalloway.

I just love the Maywick beach, you always get it to yourself :) This old fishing bouy has been washed up, so much mess comes from the sea and arrives on our shores.

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