Above And Beyond...

By BobsBlips

Striking Sunday

Last night we had a lightening strike over Perili Bay which lasted a couple of hours. I thought I'd have a go at catching it, and as I didn't bring my tripod it was a case of resting the camera on the window ledge. The wife wasn't too happy as she's terrified of lightening as was happy enough to stay in the bathroom as that makes her feel safe!

Luckily, the view from our room is over the two islands in Perili Bay, Datca, which made a great backdrop especially with the palm tree silhouettes. It was a case of balancing the camera while I held the 'bulb' open long enough to capture a strike. I don't think my first attempt at it has turned out too bad.

Today is our last day which has been spent around the hotel pool. Don, who accompanied us off the gullet from last week wanted a rematch as my wife beat him on swimming a length of the pool a couple of days ago. Much to the amusement of the Germans, she won by a short hand. This was confirmed in the video replay. My camera, and my verdict is final!

This evening the English here (I know we're Welsh) have decided to have our last meal together at 7pm. It'll be sad to finally break up the group but all good things come to an end.

The holiday has been a 'strikingly' good one for the price. I hope that pun struck you!!

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