An old Glasgow doocot!

This is a "doocot" or pigeon loft. These 3-4 metre high structures can be found on waste ground all around Glasgow and they all look the same being painted either black or green. They are made from discarded wood and metal that the owners scavenge for free.

Working class men, often unemployed, use doocots to meet up, chat and have a drink or two.

The basic concept of the doocot is that racing pigeons are flown from them and are used to kidnap a neighbour's bird. A cock is released and meets someone elses hen. They have a bit of a courtship and the winner takes the other back to their doocot at which point it is captured by the owner. The birds are then traded at special meetings usually held in the evening and involving another wee drink.

Doocots like this one differ from traditional pigeon lofts in that he birds are brought here to fly - they don't live in the doocots.

An inexpensive and thoroughly enjoyable hobby I reckon!

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