
By CharlotteJ


Seeing as I have lost Chris to the Ryder cup today (I really don’t mind, I keep nipping in to have a look at what’s happening every so often) I have decided to do all those little household chores that I never seem to have time for. I have practically re organised all my cupboards in the kitchen, moved things around and generally had a good old tidy up with only one cupboard item dating back to 2008. Whilst sorting out the draws I came across this wooden spoon my mum gave me when I moved in with Chris. My sister also has one exactly the same and was given to her when she moved in with her boyfriend (now husband) year ago. Mum also has one of these spoons but her spoon is from her Mum.
Googling ‘wooden spoon gift meaning’ it would appear that the giving of a wooden spoon dates back years and the spoon was considered the most useful utensil to be used by a woman of the house in her kitchen and would be used to help the new bride to cook and produce the best meals for her new husband (source: Alternatively a wooden spoon was given (normally decoratively carved) as a gift to a romantic event and the earliest known dated ‘lovespoon’ is from Wales and the spoon was given to a young woman by her suitor (Source and further info: wiki).
Seeing as I lived with Chris before getting married (my sister lived with her hubby before getting married too) I guess the gift of the spoon has a similar meaning and we both did marry the men we moved in with eventually!
The rest of my day will be spent darting in and out of the lounge, a quick run, a little spin on my spin bike and then I just might re visit that cake baking I attempted in the week but don’t worry I will not be using this spoon!

Edit: Just noticed a year ago Mum make me a funny that I should be talking about Mum again on this same day

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