
Or Photo-Bombed by a Green Metallic Sweat Bee...


I was photographing the bumblebee because it was looking kind of cute in its intoxicated state, draped over the top of this turtle flower... Not moving much, just recuperating. When, zip-zam-zoom, this metallic bee came darting in and out of all of the flowers (it had more energy than all of the bumbles combined.) Lucky me, I caught a relatively clear shot of Mr. Metallic's fly-by action... So of course it had to be the blip tonight.

I've been posting quite a few bees lately, but they'll be gone soon so I can't seem to help myself... I do love the bees! Though the flight shot was an anomaly and had to be blipped, my favorite shot was of this sweet bumble, sleeping it off inside a turtle flower head! It had been completely hidden until the metallic bee joined it in the almost enclosed bud. After lots of squirming the metallic bee left and this little face emerged (but didn't move any farther). :) I also liked this shot taken with my wide-angle lens instead of a macro for a different effect - less sharp, but kind of artsy.

Hope you are enjoying the weekend!

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