Family catch up.

<phew, long day>

Got up this morning with intention of leaving by 9 to drive to Essex to catch up with my sister-in-law.

Unfortunately it took an eternity to find the cable for the DVD player in the car, however once found.... it didn't work.

Another 20 minutes later, and it still wasn't working.


So of we set with 2 grumpy boys (JJ insistent on the fact that it was Frozen that was broken, and not the DVD player - so we could watch Wallace & Gromit!).

Stopped off at services on the M4, and took the faulty lead in (I'm assuming that's the problem) - but lo and behold ours seems to be the one jack that the did not cater for.

More Grrr.

So, pedal to the medal and we got to Maldon in less than 3 hours.

The motorways (including the M25) were excellent, with no slow traffic!

Unfortunately the service in Prezzo in Maldon was no where near as fast. Took about 25 minutes before they even took our order.

Lovely starter but the rest of the food was a bit mediocre (I've been spoilt by my Michelin restaurants this year).

It did allow us a photo opportunity with JJ and his Aunty Anna. It was the first time they'd met, as the last time we caught up Wifey was still 2 months away from giving birth.

The perils of a family that lives overseas.

Whilst sitting in the restaurant, and thanks to my sarky comment on facebook, one of wifey's cousins' dropped in to say hello - also being in town that day.

What are the chances.

Long day, long week, I'm tried and thirsty so I'm having a Bulmers. Just the one, and it's thoroughly deserved.

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