J & J's Dad

By chollins

Wild Goose Chase!

Today i would have killed for a zoom lens!
I was taking photos of Threipmuir reservoir in the Pentland Hills this afternoon when i heard an almighty noise. Heading my way was the biggest flock (gaggle?) of geese i've ever seen. There were hundreds of them. I took as many photos as i could as they flew overhead, and charged off in the direction they were heading.
Got in the car & drove off stopping every so often until i found the field they had landed in. I started walking towards them, up to my ankles in mud, but they took off whilst i was still quite far away. The noise of their wings beating was phenomenal, it sounded like an explosion. They landed on the other side of the field so i crept towards them but again they took off before i got close. I ran like a lunatic towards them for about 10 seconds then started firing off shots left, right & centre, changing settings as i went. This time they flew off to the other side of the reservoir so i headed home.
I was loudly berated & ridiculed by my wife who found me uploading my photos to my laptop in my boxer shorts & jacket. My muddy boots & trousers lying in the kitchen. She also pointed out that these poor birds had migrated thousands of miles only to be scared off by a lunatic with a camera.
If you would like to see more of the geese, click here to see my folio You will need to view them in large to get the full scale. They Have been cropped & sharpened so some of them have a bit of noise in them.

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