
It's been quite a busy day today. First of all Brian and I visited my parents', after calling in to Tesco to pick up some shopping for them. We did a few jobs whilst there, helped my Dad make lunch, and then headed home for our own lunch.

Then it was time to take little Minsty-Mogg to the vet. The very kind lady gave him a thorough check all over, particularly his ears which he has a problem with - she gave us some drops for those. Otherwise he is thankfully fine! He had his first inoculation and a flea and worm treatment just as a precaution. He behaved very well in the vets, but it was still an ordeal for him (and me!) He has pretty much just slept since we brought him home!

I've since been into town. I won some quite good computer headphones on a MacMillan fund raising tombola. They have a microphone and will only stay mine by virtue of the fact that they are pink and therefore Jae will not want to claim them! I also bought some home-baked scones from there. I bought a couple of books from the Oxfam shop, one of which is a new one I'd planned to buy from Amazon, and I also went in M&S for a look around. I found a bright pink, very fluffy jumper which I couldn't resist buying - ooops!!!

The motorbike was one of several on display at the MacMillan fund raising event! It's a Pan European, a type I have never come across before! Honda make them, they are a top quality sport touring bike - very nice!

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