Capital adventures

By marchmont

My family

I was awake during the night to listen to most of 'The Now Show' and 'The Archers' - ah interesting story line there.

Then I woke at 6.20. 8.40 and finally well after 9. No swim today.

Today has been 'Baby Sitting Day'. #1 son and d in l went shopping and Olivia was extra special good. I sat on the balcony and attempted to get further on with my cross stitch started in Feb 2009, another time, and Olivia slept in her buggy which I could rock to and fro with my foot. She didn't even wake during the daily post 4 p.m thunderstorm with its huge cracks of thunder.

Her parents came back from a shopping trip just before 5 and then friend N arrived, an excuse for finally opening a bottle of fizz to celebrate.

Now they've all gone of to some social event and I'm left holding the baby. I have to confess I've done something I never did with my own 3 to stop her crying, given her her very unused dummy. She's breastfed, but from the bottle which is convenient for me but which I find slightly odd. Why have a dad, or a granny, give her a bottle at the same time as you express? Ah well, not my baby.

Meanwhile I will sew and listen to R4 (now on, the Alan Bennet Saturday play) and she will sleep, I hope.

I love my granddaughter.

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