Life Savors

By osuzanna

I Love Scaffolding

It has been a very long day. I went into D.C. at 7 am with my husband and while he worked the first half of the day, I had a lovely morning in the city. The highlights included:

A beautiful cappuccino and pastry at a French coffee shop.
A long walk around the White House, Washington Monument and the mall.
A visit to the National Gallery of Art to see the Titian on loan from Italy, the Cassatt/Degas exhibit and the Andrew Wyeth exhibit which was quite extraordinary. (I will definitely need to go back to the Wyeth exhibit for a 2nd look.)
A long walk past the Botanical Gardens and the Capitol to Nationals Park to meet my husband for an afternoon baseball game.

Total mileage on foot for me was about 8 miles. We ended the day with dinner with friends.

I took over 200 photos and got to try a couple of new things like shooting from the hip with fair success and zoom burst with pretty good results.

I also tried take some photos of DC landmarks that weren’t touristy postcard photos. Very hard to do…..

And so... because I am very tired and incapable of making any decisions, I am posting this blip just because I really love scaffolding. If you have a look in Large, you will see the workmen.

Here is a link to my folio for a quick look at my take on the Washington Monument, my two attempts at zoom burst, and the moving walkway between the east and west buildings of the National Gallery of Art which have an interesting light display, which made the zoom burst easy. And finally, there is a shot of a delightful couple that I came across on the mall, who had clearly just been for a run and were now practicing dancing, without music. The look of joy on his face is priceless.

For tonight… that’s all I’ve got. I’ll catch up with viewing and comments tomorrow. Wishing all a very good weekend.

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