Above And Beyond...

By BobsBlips

Turkish Tea Time

Last night we shared a table with Don and his wife Bev, at the Al a carte restaurant, so that we could get in. In was Italian night, and the last time this season that it will open. Obviously they know the weather here and have decided it's too changeable to take a chance as it's open air overlooking the Perili Bay.

We really enjoyed their company and shared a good couple of hours laughing. Don is about 65 and a former RAF officer, then builder, who is now retired. They have a 22 acre smallholding near Dartmoor where they breed Arabian racehoorses on behalf of their son who works in banking in London. Don is a straight talker and there has been no subject where I haven't agreed with him. We share the same politics and outlook. Bev is really chatty and has offered to look after our dog should we ever get one and want to go on holidays. They used to breed them but don't have one at the moment. Bev has a habit of interrupting conversation and Don tells her off. This is in contrast to Julian, I mentioned a couple of days ago; he listens intently and only talks when you've finished.

Today I walked around the hotel which is like a small village. In reminds me of Santorini and is a sort of cross with Turkish influence. There are alleyways everywhere and all the buildings are different. It's very unusual, and that has been mentioned in the reviews we read.

The widow of the german man who drowned yesterday was at breakfast and dinner. She's obviously carrying on with things. It appears he had a heart attack in Germany last week and travelled against the advice of doctors. I suspect he had another attack whilst swimming. People thought he was snorkelling.

The blip photo is one of many I took around the 'village' today. I was going to do a collage but rather like this one to stand on it's own. I like the Turkish tea cup on it's own. I tried it in black and white but prefer it in colour.

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