The oyster beds at Cancale

Concale is the centre of the oyster industry in Brittany.

These oyster beds cover over 7 sq. km and can be clearly seen at low tide.

Depending on what reference you read, the produce up to 25 000 tons of oysters per year!

You can see at least 11 tractors down amongst the beds with staff attending to or harvesting the oysters.
I counted another dozen out of sight of this photo.

Shacks on the front offer a plate with lemon, of all the various sizes of oyster. Restaurants, bars, cafes line up on the approach roads with piles of sea food delicacies.

In the extremely far distance on the right third, you may be able to the towering sight of Mont Saint-Michel. Seen here as a pimple on the horizon!

I had a simple menu of the day for Euro 15.60.
Six number 3 oysters, skate wings in a rich sorrel and cream sauce, and tarte au citron to finish. Coffee to keep me wake all day.

What's for supper?

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