from the rooftops...

Ha - just because you have closed the top floor of the car park to cars, does not mean that you can stop me from getting up on their on my magic FEET!

Bloody freezing on the top floor of the Golden Gates car park in Warrington yesterday, but well worth it to see the clouds and filth belching from local industry.

When I took this one, I was taking a series of 3 or 4 to builder a panorama, but when I viewed this and noticed the little men, I wondered how I had not noticed them in the first place whilst I was up on the car park. The panorama was rubbish and this made me smile.

Anyway, its been a productive day, lots of coursework marked, marksheets updated, Corin's birthday presents wrapped and ready for the morning, interesting conversations with my boy, who apparently is not quite as forgiving as I thought, and an email from my dad that made me laugh out loud as it was so well written I visualised the whole situation.

Thanks AP - I hope the young upstart control freak gets what's coming to him :-)

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