banana, chive and hibiscus

some Florida flowers!
I am having a good time continuing to work with my 30mm prime lens (2.8). As StuckPixel said to me in a comment, it makes you think before you shoot because you don't have the zoom to help you framing and compose.... It's true! I am enjoying learning more how to use this lens.

But then I had to play! Hobbs inspired me with his mosaic image today, to look into Photoshop elements again. So I did and tried a number of filters, including the mosaic one. Check out the "normal" version and some other filtered versions if you are in the mood . . . . I was in the mood!!

thanks & love. I appreciate all your visits and comments. I love having a good place to lay down a part of my day creatively and happy to share part of your day with  you. xo

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