White Rabbit Red Rabbit

Tomorrow is the annual bake sale at Daughter's school. This involves the sixth year pupils baking and the rest of the school buying and eating. Daughter's house colour is blue, hence the blue sprinkles. These are not the most attractive of cakes but they taste fairly chocolatey. She also made vanilla cupcakes with orange butter icing piped on top (much more attractive) and the ever popular marshmallows dipped in chocolate topped with a blue smartie. The winning house is the one that raises the most money. The money goes to charity and the winning house wins 'house points'.

White Rabbit Red Rabbit. This was the play that Daughter and I went to see tonight. Really enjoyed it. The actor, tonight it was Jonny Mcknight, is given the script in a sealed envelope. It is the first time he/ she has seen the script and so the performance is based on a cold reading of the script. There was laughter and audience participation. Not going to say much about it as it would spoil the performance should you perhaps see it in the future. I would, however, recommend it. Thought provoking and each performance will be different as each performance requires a different actor.

Just want to note that the temperature on the drive home at 9pm was 17 degrees!

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