
After being inspired by the recent sunny/misty mornings and the great photos of Draco and Quod oculus meus videt I've been trying to capture them myself. I set my alarm for 30 mins earlier yesterday and before I could leave the house it had started raining!

The forcast for this morning was better so I repeated the process and I was rewarded with, initially, a subtle sunrise. It wasn't as good as earlier in the week and there was little in the way of mist, but as the sun rose, it got better with this glow behind the trees. To try and do it justice I took 3 shots 2 stops apart and I have created this image as a HDR composite. Hopefully it looks pretty natural looking, and not to OTT.

While I was waiting for the sunrise, I thought I had travelled back in time. Across the field from where I was standing was an area of woodland and above it were two Herons flying around and swooping and calling. In the dawn light and at distance you could almost think they were pterodactyls. Their wing span was pretty impressive and I've not really seen Heron's display flying like this and calling. Normally they are just 'commuting' past. All very Jurassic Park.

Today has been the McMillan Coffee Morning cake sale, and all of my Parkin has been sold, I had a bit and it was very tasty. So far we've made about £70, but there is lots of cake and biscuits left, so we're going to have another bash tomorrow.

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