
By Flashead

Burning memories..

i have had the flu today and had the time to write this:

in a nutshell :
there once was this unique woman who lived and served in two wars.. then lost her both sons at early age..(other one was my father) and kept their pictures as young children around her neck in a locket for the rest of her life (the locket in the box) this brave human raised me and i am grateful as i can be.. can never pay that back...
..but this i can do a photo in the memory of Valma Sofia Sarkki os. Lahtela

the frame i chose to use was the last one because the paper was flammable:) and i managed to burn a small hole in it:)

i used a electric candle lighter for the flames and a small led-torch for the in and outside of the box,chain and the ring...

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