
My 3rd knuckle, on the big finger feels like this. Luckily it doesn't look like this.

Probably the result of RSI. I've noticed that when I hold my tablet, I curl the tip of that finger over the edge of the tablet. A habit I must break. as the resulting joint pain is no laughing matter. I should probably sue Asus for not warning me that this would happen. After all, if McDonalds are obliged to put the warning 'contents may be hot' on the side of a coffee cup, why shouldn't Asus show the same consideration to their customers.

That's 2 hand pictures in a row. I might make it a hand themed week.

Investigated flights to Guilin last night. Seems a tad more expensive than when we last flew there 2 years ago and I couldn't find an acceptably priced flight that didn't involve ridiculously long layovers, making the total journey time 30+ hours each way. There's only so much fun to be had browsing the duty free shops in an airport.

Booked a whisky tasting evening for the next boy's night on October 1st. Got a text from the proprietor last night listing the whisky's. Very impressive. I say that not because I know anything about whisky but because (a) I didn't recognize any of the names and (b) they ranged in age from 18 to 23 years. I take both of these as positives. Now if his food can match his choice of whiskys, we are in for a very good evening.

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