View from the Hills

This morning I decided to walk up what Ozzie's puppy trainer called "The Death March". It's a steep fire trail up into the hills behind the Claremont Hotel. If one makes it to the top of the hill, the reward is a splendid view of three bridges and the city skyline of San Francisco. Although we used to live just a few blocks from the foot of this trail, the only view we had from our house was into the neighbor's kitchen, so Ozzie and I would walk most mornings on this or similar trails for views. Now we have a lovely, albeit much more pastoral view from our kitchen window.

I had planned to go to a class at the Claremont Club where we used to be members, but I opted instead for the Death March. I checked out of the hotel, leaving my bag at the bell desk until OilMan came to fetch me after he finished work. It was a gorgeous morning (a bit chilly at first, since my sweatshirt was in the car, and I had nothing but a t-shirt, but I warmed up quickly enough.) I don't think I have revisited this trail since we moved, and I congratulated myself on choosing this over a class, especially when I found that I could still make it to the top without mishap. I did remember when I was halfway up the steepest bit that I was going to have to come back down it again, but I pulled it off without mishap.

Coffee with some of the old group was as fun as always. We traded stories about the things we tell our spouses, or ourselves, not to do because it makes us look old…for example:
Don't count out change to the last penny while people wait….pay with bills and put the change in a jar
Don't wander around endlessly looking for things which have mysteriously vanished... just wait for them to resurface…or not

In due course, OilMan came to pick me up, and I went into the hotel to reclaim my bag. I had to tell the concierge that I couldn't find my claim check, which he had handed me not three hours earlier and which I had put directly into my bag. Was that better than fumbling around in the bag for five minutes? In the parking lot I helped a friend find her parking pass which she had inadvertently dropped into the trash can…

My change to Wildwood has not been without peril, since my iPhone app does not seem to have taken the change in stride*. A very nice email from Blipcentral suggested that uninstalling and reinstalling the app should take care of the problem. "Don't worry" he assured me "you won't lose anything. Just make a note of your email and password". I have successfully uninstalled and reinstalled the app, but it won't accept my password, which I checked before we left. I'm not able to double check it again, because the paper on which I wrote all my passwords has vanished….

I wonder what the nice man at Blipcentral will say when I write to him again to say that I think I have lost my mind?

*please bear with me until I get this sorted out. Comments may be scarce...

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