All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

The Mammoth Lie-in

Anyone who knows me will know that Ethan has never been a great sleeper and that he doesn't do lie-ins. Well last night he slept for just over 15 hours, finally waking at 11.25am! I think the combination of the late nights in Anerica, only 6 hours sleep on the plane and jet lag finally caught up with him! I also had a good sleep, managing 8 hours and waking up feeling human for the first time in years!

As a result, we had a lazy day. Didn't get dressed till after lunch and didn't venture outside till mid afternoon. We went to a shop in Linlithgow to look at wallpaper samples. The owner was really helpful and has given us lots of sample books to take home. Ethan was a wee star, curled up on chair, playing on his iPad.

We bought him an ice-cream afterwards as a reward for being so good. Then a wander round Linlithgow Palace. Well - I wandered. Hubbie and Ethan sat in the courtyard building Lego!

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