East Quarff

A fine sunny morning and then a cloudier afternoon with showers to follow this evening.

Well Sammy will sleep well tonight and so will I :) I was up early and mam popped along for a chat, she wanted to meet up for lunch in Lerwick. I did meet mam for lunch but first it was a 1o mile walk up and down the hills from my house in Cunningsburgh to Lerwick and then another mile with mam after lunch. I went out to Burra to pick up my niece Elise after school and had great fun with her. I went with mam to put her home and I squeezed in another walk in Burra but this time I got rained on!
All action in Lerwick at teatime when we were trying to get home. A young man in his mid teens had been walking around with a gun and threatened the police, glad I had been walking in the area earlier in the day and missed it. Firearm police were flown up from south too! Scary as we don't have things like that happen here!

This is a view of East Quarff as I was passing through on my way to Lerwick.

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