As seen by me...

By GrantR

Spylaw Park

It's going to be sad not to be looking out on this at work soon. With an impending more to working on an industrial estate the views just won't be the same! So, all the more reason to get this one before it becomes a rare opportunity.

This is a 8 shot panoramic image, 2 vertical and 4 horizontal. All coverted into quite a contrasty HDR and stiched together in CS4 bit by bit as 16 bit TIFF's. The resulting image had a nasty halo on the trees so a bit of burning on the sky to give the slightly mottled effect which also masked the halo was in order. Finally, upped the contrast to silly levels and bumped up the vibrance to get the final effect.

So there you are, Spylaw Park in the sun.

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