
By sjb

In Penny Lane...

...there is now a private doctor and a cosmetic surgeon...

A few years ago a group of us went to Spain at a time that coincided with a Spanish friend's 50th birthday. The Liverpool party decided to give an animated rendition of Penny Lane. One of our number put on a stellar performance as the butcher, complete with makeshift sausages and cleaver. When we returned home and looked at the words, we noticed that there is a barber, a banker, a fireman and a nurse- but no butcher.

Penny Lane was released as a double A side single with Strawberry Fields, and was the first Beatles single that failed to make it to number 1.

This does not stop it from being one of the main places on the Beatles heritage tours. At one time the street signs were pinched so often that the council painted the sign on the wall. It has since found some more secure street signs.

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