
By Inverculain

Autumn Colour

Ok, so they're not really that colour because it's Autumn - this rose has coppery leaves anyway - but when I realised today is officially the first day of Autumn, I thought this had a nicely seasonal feel to it!

I was attracted by the sun shining through the leaves, and the droplets of water (this morning's dew), though the strong light through the drops on the back of the leaves give an effect that almost looks like some sort of blight! And it was only when I looked at it close up that I saw the spider webs woven from spike to spike on the left hand leaf :)

I got back from Scotland last night, and this was my first shot with the a77 after a few days of the new rx100 compact. My verdict? I find the rx100 a bit clumsy to use. Part of that is not having a viewfinder to look through (and needing my reading glassed to see the LCD clearly!) and part is clearly lack of familiarity and not yet always knowing how to make it do what I want - but it's not nearly as slick to handle and shoot with as the SLR. (Sorry Sony - SLT!) But it's very convenient for carrying around, it's got a good range of functionality (once you know how to find it!), and between them the Zeiss lens and the sensor produce a pretty decent image.

If anyone's thinking about an rx100 and would like to know more, let me know and I'll happily share more likes/ dislikes / don't yet knows.

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