Capital adventures

By marchmont

Libby amd her mum

Travel across time zones is odd. I arrived in Doha at 11.30 pm which turned out to be 9.30 UK time once I'd worked out Doha was on a different time zone from Dubai.

A wheek round the new, stunningly huge airport with a pit stop on duty free to buy Armagnac.  Impressed with the range of Armagnac on offer.
Then on another a second plane early this morning.  The deadline from Edinburgh was a better flight and lovely plane., 787. Less impressed with a full 777 on the second. And not at all impressed with Qatar's food or movie choice.  

Arrived back at KLIA at 2.40 and after a no hassle immigration check and a wait at baggage for an umbrella it was off on the Ekspres to Sentral and who should meet me along with KF and Wen 3 but Wen 1 and Olivia, fast asleep.

She's to be known as Libby as it can be the same in Chinese,  'beautiful warrior'.

The rest of today had been spent cuddling and prodding,  giving presents,  unpacking and a Hello/goodbye dinner. Wen 3 is off back to Barcelona tonight,   very early tomorrow.  

My granddaughter is beautiful. Here she is with her mum (and not formula).

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