Early Birthday Present!
Sometimes I wonder why people blindly buy Apple products. This little bugger is much more capable than the comparable Apple iPod Shuffle, but gets no love. Silly me, I have a Shuffle too, but it is really only good for running, it is essentially limited to one playlist. Not this little Sansa Clip+, it does playlists, HAS A SCREEN, an FM radio, records, oh I'm not going to go through the whole list, just know that it does a lot more. It's not that much bigger than the (last gen) iPod Shuffle. It has a clip too, it's about the same weight. It's cheaper too.
All those features and low cost come at a price. It can be a little overwhelming trying to drive such a complicated device through such a small screen. There are certainly some situations in which the simplicity of the (last gen) Shuffle make it a better choice. And, the Sansa is not as pretty to look at or as nice to hold. The (last gen) Shuffle is a little work of art in the hand.
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