Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

First Thursday . . .

. . . of the spring semester.

Middle of the afternoon I needed to deliver a report to an assistant dean's office, and as I walked from her office I remembered that if I would turn and go the opposite direction from the stairs, I'd be in the section of 2nd floor of the Student Service Building where I could look over to see what what happening down at the registration area and in the general lobby . . . it's an angle I seldom see and one I've never photographed.

So it is not very exciting. It is, though, a reminder to me that this morning was the launch of my Thursday class. I had 40 students in a course that allows 30. Most students arrived early, some on time, and few who actually needed to "add" the class arrived late, and one lady arrived 5 minutes before class was ending. I told she had lost her place in class because our administrators had told us to fill the places of the "no shows." She wanted to stand right there in front of my students and argue with me. I had to tell her politely that she had to leave the classroom. It was a crazy, uncomfortable moment.

My students loved that I passed out Valentine candy, but I reminded them that we're not allowed to eat in the classroom; they all laughed, but I think all of them waited till they were outside to un-wrap the pink chocolate peppermint patties.

I spent the afternoon creating an group email list with all students addresses and getting handouts and photocopies ready for next week. I left the campus feeling exhausted, but not really sure why.

So I arrived home just moments before Mr. Fun. Well, it's Thursday night so together we decided to go out for dinner and keep to our tradition of "date night." We both enjoyed a Caesar salad. He had salmon and I had sirloin steak and we both ordered double veggies so no rice or potatoes. We were at a restaurant that's brand new to us and I'm sure we'll go back again sometime.

When Mr. Fun brought in the mail from our curbside mailbox, I was surprised because I have received one more postcard from Nina. It really is a delight to receive something with real handwriting and a beautiful photo. Nina, Thank YOU so much.

It's late. I hope you have a great Friday.
Good night from Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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