
By beckie

Battered an broken old boats lining the waters edge over near Pinmill on the River Orwell.

They looked so sad all lined up next to each other, almost keeping one another company throughout their old age!

Just makes me wonder, what their stories were, what adventures they'd been on, when were they built, where had they been, who used to sail in them... & why have they been left down here, far away from anywhere, & forgotten about.....?

Such a lovely afternoon, if a little lonely! But hey, was SO nice to get out for a walk in the sunshine, along the river, through the woodland & enjoy the real world all around me, hear the birds sing, the squirrels play, & the trees sway in the light breeze.. Just lovely!!

Love all the house-boats that line the river on the edge of the woodland, some lovely looking creations... Some slightly scary looking ones too, but either way, on days like today, I dare say that's a pretty idyllic life the people living there have!!

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