dauphin island, alabama
Seafood Gumbo - How To Make Gumbo
Roux (see recipe and directions below)
1 pound okra, sliced
2 tablespoons vegetable shortening
3 tablespoons butter
1 onion, chopped
1/2 cup chopped celery
1 pound fresh shrimp, peeled and deveined*
1 jar fresh oysters (check for shells)
2 cloves garlic, chopped fine
1 tablespoon chopped green bell pepper
1 can (10 1/2 ounces ) tomatoes
2 sprigs parsley, chopped
1 bay leaf (remove before serving)
2 teaspoons Cavender's Greek Seasoning**
2 quarts water or fish stock
1 bunch green onion, chopped
1/2 pound crabmeat or 1 dozen whole crabs***
Salt and pepper
Hot cooked long-grain white rice
1 teaspoon File Powder, optional****
* In New Orleans they sell what are called "gumbo shrimp." They are not the big shrimp that you use in a "stand alone" shrimp dish. They are used more for flavor than texture. I guess you could put some of the shrimp in early for the simmering and some later for the presentation. Some people in New Orleans even boil the shells and heads to get that serious shrimp flavor. I don't care for it myself; it has that "low tide" taste!
** If you can't find Cavender's Greek Seasoning, you can substitute another brand of seasoning salt - but Cavender's is the best.
*** If using whole crabs, scald live hard-shelled crabs and clean, removing the spongy substance and the "sand bag" on the under part. Break off and crack the claws and cut the body in half.
**** Gumbo is also thickened with File Powder, made from ground dried leaves of the sassafras tree. File powder must be stirred into gumbo after it's removed from the heat because undue cooking makes the powder tough and stringy.
Start making the Roux (see below recipes).
In a large frying pan:, fry okra in 2 tablespoons shortening approximately 30 to 40 minutes or until it ceases to "rope" (slimy strings connecting the okra); remove from heat and set aside. NOTE: Take your time and don't burn it. It's worth the trouble.
In a Gumbo Pot or a large Dutch Oven over medium-high heat, melt the butter and fry the onions and celery about 5 minutes or until soft.
Add the shrimp, oysters, garlic, and bell pepper; simmer 2 minutes. Add tomatoes, parsley, bay leaf, Cavender's Seasoning, water or fish stock, green onion, fried okra, prepared Roux, and crabmeat or crabs. Add salt and pepper to taste. Let gumbo simmer for approximately 30 minutes.
Serve with hot rice, crackers, and file on the side.
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