wait just one more shot

By Susanbmathew

Mono Monday music

the most important thing in my world is music. I perform it. I listen to it. It soothes me, it gets me energized. It brings back memories and is in the background while I create new ones.

I sang before I could talk. It's a mysterious form of communication. We all have the ability to listen to all kinds of it but for some there are limited things some can, or will hear.

I listen with earbuds, or turned up loudly.. I love Bach turned up full blast while all the violins are playing different parts. (Like old men yelling at each other but more melodious). Kind of sounds like a family dinner in my family.

Sometimes it doesn't need to play I can hear it in my head note for note such as Mozart's Symphony #40 in G minor. I once listened to that with headphones on ( yes it was a while ago) while riding a ferry from Peaks Island and watching the seagulls flying overhead. The ballet was a sight to behold and the notes swelled and diminished as again the violins....(the worker bees of the orchestra) accompanied the birds in their performance.

There was one time in my life when music was absent. Someone had cut my talent down and tried to diminish who and what I was. My life was so bad. I felt as if my center of gravity was gone. I looked for it in other's talents that I tried to copy for myself. I could essentially do anything but the result was still hollow.

One day after being involved in a political campaign. (we were working for gay rights) I met some women who invited me to sing with their chorus. I joined. Epiphany (hear the music when I said that?) I found my voice again.This was 1993 and I have never looked back.
There was a time when the chorus had a split due to a difference of identity. It was awful and I faced some really tough moments. It's a very long story however. I dropped out for a semester. I continued to sing everyday. I clung to the music as if it was a life preserver in a large ocean. It kept me afloat. We emerged tempered by the experience and with a whole new direction. Music played in the background.

I am not a truly religious person (recovering catholic thank you) however my faith is strong and when I sing praise to my higher power...... I feel transcendence. The music is the conduit. I heard someone say once "God said make a joyful noise unto The Lord. It did not say anywhere that it has to be on key"

Well I could go on and on however, I think you get what I am trying to say

Basically it's this

And it's early so....G'day to both up and Down under!

( usually I try to re write sentences so there aren't that many I s in a post. But this time I am not changing it.)

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