
By HaxSyn

A good turnout...

So, it's all over... I was very tired last night so did not stay up to watch the results come in, the final count wasn't due until about 8:00 am so it would have been a long night. I woke up about 9:00am and immediately grabbed my phone and I quickly saw the result "55% No". The past few weeks have been like watching a Scotland rugby game, you are fairly sure they are going to lose, but you still hope for a win and then there's a flicker of opportunity for a win (one poll reported that "Yes" had taken a slight lead) but at the end of the match the hopes are dashed. I had deliberately avoided discussing or mentioning the referendum on the internet as most people discussing it had already made up their mind and no amount of "discussion" were going to change it. Also a lot of the arguments for and against could be argued with so called "facts" by the other side.

Anyway, the results were in and I must admit to feeling disappointed that more of my fellow Scots had not seized the opportunity. On the bright side there was a turnout of 84.5% which is a massive turnout and at least it has shown that the people of Scotland are not apathetic about the issues. I spent most of the day on the internet reading news and reactions. So today's Blip is of a postcard I received through my letterbox, I'm posting it not really as a political statement but as a historical footnote and I also like the imaginary, it's much prettier than the usual political glossy campaign leaflets (which I also got from both sides).

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