Playing life by ear.

By Crazyoldbird

The most beautiful sound

in a single word, LEGO....... but not the word itself, the clickety clack of children rumaging through a huge box of lego pieces, looking for a wheel or whatever.

The earliest pieces at home are over 40 years old. They are kept ready on the closed verrandah for the grand children when they visit.

Unfortunately we've had mice in the house, complete with hole in the wall which is gradually getting larger and larger. We tried a trap - useless. Then we tried Baldrick. Several tiny, skinny babies were caught but the parents escaped his cruel jaws..

Two days a go we noticed a foul smell coming from the verrandah but couldn't find the origin. This morning I found the dried hind quaters of a mouse prodruding from a hole in an alluminium glass door frame, probably trying to escape.

With rubber gloves on, I pulled the corpse out of the hole. It seemed to go on forever.

We still don't know if this is the last of the blighters.

That done I had to clean up the whole area. I soaked the Lego in bleach and soap and here it is, clean and still wet.

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