Monday is great if
Almost chose this one about Amadeus between haystacks, but ended up with some yellow to brighten up this rainy day.
Monday is great if I can spend it in bed.
I'm a man of simple pleasures, really.
Arthur Darvill
I kind of feel the same about rainy days. But as a person with dogs you go outside no matter the weather.
Also have to be getting to work too. Few sips of my new favorite orange-ginger tee and I have to go. I hope someone shown up. We have a huge flue wave among us and it feels like most of the people are home sick. And they should stay there until recovery. Last week I had one older lady attending classes. She was right next to me couching and told me she had fever of 38,5°C. That's way too much to go outside home. I'm really lucky that I managed to stay healthy with her next to me.
Tomorrow is going to be an interesting day. We have trams and metro on strike. Oh well, at least they didn't choose Monday to make people's lives more complicated.
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