Bumps in the Road

By JimJ

Wink, wink...

Nikki, the wee man and Gooma set off really early to meet AJ, Michelle & Ori for breakfast in Samford before heading to their new property to take a look around and get a tour of their 'new' house. Looks like there's a lot to be done so will be interesting to watch the progress from the comfort of our own laptops over the next few years.

After that, they set off to see Quentin, Chawn and Kobe (their baby) at the Sunny Coast. Nikki timed it so the wee man would nap in the car and it worked a treat - he fell asleep within 5mins and slept the whole hour and a half to their place. They hung out with them for a couple of hours.

The wee man did ok. He was a little jealous and unsure, due to having to share the limelight with another little person.

They had planned to hit the beach afterwards for a bit of a play but it just wasn't the right weather (windy and overcast) so they found a small playground instead. Alas, the wee man wasn't really all that interested, so they took him to the skate park next door and he was much happier about that! He used a new word when Nikki asked him to count the skaters....he said '1, 2...3 people'. We haven't heard him use 'people' before.

Then they jumped in the car and drove back home, and the wee man stayed awake for the whole two hours! Not only that, but he stayed fairly happy and well behaved for most of the trip, too! Very impressed with him.

Oh, and the other thing he did that is worth mentioning... When looking at the pictures on his Great Grandma's wall, he noticed a Spanish flamenco dancer. Apparently he took great delight in pointing out 'mouth, nose, eyes' before very observantly saying 'one eye open, one eye closed.' I think that may be his longest sentence yet. Not only did he observe the painting but his speech is super impressive.

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