A Life of Laughter

By nlw_93

A Rare Photo...

...I don't know what it is about my family, particularly because I'm part of it, but we very rarely have our picture taken together! Here's a photo of myself and my Dad which cheats on my blip for 2 reasons; 1. I'm in it so clearly didn't take the photo and 2. it was taken yesterday whilst we were waiting for the rugby to start. I love this photo as Dad and I don't have many photos together recently.

I had a much needed lie in this morning, although Rory phoned me this morning and I fell back asleep once he'd gone to work so it wasn't a true lie in. I lounged about in my pyjamas doing some dissertation reading for far too long this morning before finally deciding I should get changed around lunch time.

I've done all my uni work for everything until Thursday so I did a little more dissertation reading until about 4 o'clock and then decided to give up for the day and have the evening off. There's only so much reading about domestic violence that you can take in one go and if I'd done the reading for Thursday I'd have nothing to do on my days off this week!

I had a chat to Mum and my sister on the phone as my Mum has booked her train tickets for us going to see Jodi Picoult in November which I am super excited about. Authors I love don't normally come to Scotland let alone the city I live in and Jodi Picoult is my favourite and most read author....so much excitement!

Spent the afternoon watching Outnumbered and reading some of You're The One That I Want. Not a huge fan of chick lit but I love the lady it's written by so I thought I'd give it a go, and weirdly enough, my best friend is reading it also!

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