Our Next Chapter

By SnappyHQ

How time flies when you're having fun

We've had a fantastic weekend. It was over far too quickly though.

Woke up this morning to the sound of the waves gently crashing on the beach. It was so relaxing I could've stayed there all day! When downstairs for breakfast and we enjoyed the view some more. The air was so fresh and the sun so warm on my face. We had a little wonder down to the shore and I had a paddle in the sea, then in was time to head home.

I missed my babies and couldn't wait to see them. When we got back P said "oh hi mummy. Can I have Cbeebies on?" Little man however gave me a massive smile and then demanded feeding. I was only too happy to oblige. Over 24 hours of no feeding meant I felt like I had two boulders down my jumper!

We've had a very lazy afternoon chilling at home. I'm just so grateful to Mr J's parents for making it all possible.

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