Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Happy dog walk ....

Jake and Lucy fight like brother and sister not like Aunt and nephew ... I guess that's what happens when the aunt is only 6 years older than her nephew ...
I do get people asking me how old my son is... I gave up correcting them as they get either very nosy and it leads to many questions or they have one of those judgemental looks upon their faces that I have a daughter who had a baby at 17 .... Just for the record ( although no one here on blip has been anything but supportive) I don't give a shit what people think .. I only care about my family being ok ... I actually happen to really enjoy being a young grandmother,but what is better is Jake just has to blend in and there is no special treatment .. In fact he has told me his mummy shouts less ;-)

After depositing the grandson back with his parents,Mr W took myself,Eve and Lucy to the shopping centre in Solihull and he purchased fancy footwear for us all and treated us all to a late lunch .. He's a very good human is Mr W x

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