random rancid rambles

By rancidand

Tuc tuc

Got braver today - started taking Rickshaws about the place. Went past the German Bakery on the way to not find 1000 Oaks. Ate somewhere else instead after a lot of wandering through a load of markets and narrow streets. Got my shoes cleaned.

The standard conversation:
"Clean shoes sir" repeated until answer is yes
How Much?, "You give what want" these two repeated oft also
Eventually "How does 20 rupees sound" Guess at what a local would pay plus some
Fine - I think I have an agreement, he thinks he has trapped me
During course of shining mates arrive over - to claim their share of the booty? or to continue the spoftening up conversation?
During shining "How much these shoes cost back home"
Mmm (thinks) - 'bout 2000 rupees (conservative valuation)
Continues "this very good shiny stuff - yes"
Non commital
"It very expensive sir"
Oh (realisation that 20 rupees is not going to do this, there is going to be conflict, I'm not going to end up feeling not good about this)
Finish, I inspect in the light of a window, do indeed look very shiny, Fish out 50 rupee note, expect gratefulness (not really - I know whats coming)
"Sir, this worth 200 rupees", "this stuff special", "this stuff expensive"
We agreed 20 rupees, I'm giving you this
"I don't want it"
OK - make to move away but feeling guilty (as intended) and come back
You want this or not, we agreed a price (feel like a Tory)
"No sir"
OK - make to move away again and come back
all three at it now
Give them last chance, they take the money and moan
I walk away.
I end up feeling shit. They got the cost of a meal in a restaurant for a wee bitty shoe polish and 3 mins work. I'm not feeling so guilty now I think about it.

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