twinned with trumpton


After the messed up week with time off, extra bonus child care day, it was back to earth with a bump. Woke at 6, saw Aberdeenshire, Edinburgh and then Fife all declared allegiance to the union, turned off TV and sighed.

I have a bad feeling about it; as a non nationalist, non SNP type of guy, mostly my thoughts on this were anti Westminster more than pro Holyrood; what we have sucks, what we could have will not be any worse and at least you have a chance to improve the country as a whole. Not sit back and say 'I'm alright, Jack' like so many clearly did. It saddens me to think that there is no fight for better; that more than half the population think this is as good as it gets.

School run in the gloom; then picked her up from her school run; cuppa and weekend planning meeting whilst I retrieved my laptop.

Then shopping and library (Subway Art - so I can properly read up on Cigs et al).

Low key afternoon; we went around charity shops in Davidson Mains, Golden Acre and then Leith - the boys are in need of toys and bedtime stories. We did better on stories than toys.

Dinner, and then Cars on the sofa; think they were both still a little partied out after East Links.

And long chat - 3 hours on and off? Coming out, and how to deal with our respective exes. Positive, though.

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