
By RogMull

Spontaneous YES party in Kirkcaldy

Local campaigner Marie Penman, sent out an email out asking if anyone fancied coming along for a drink in a local Kirkcaldy pub, to relax and chat after the referendum.

This was the scene not long after we arrived, in the large room we had to meet in because of the surprising number who fancied an afternoon drink! Soon after this, I was unable to get any more shots, as the numbers denied space for photographers!

It soon became a very happy gathering, two guitars appeared, lots of singing (including by myself and Barbara), and lots of hugs and some tears too.

Then a large piece of paper circulated, and everyone, regardless of their party affiliation or none, wrote down email addresses to enable us all to keep in touch.

I was first involved in a by-election in South Ayrshire in 1970, and contested my first election in that seat in February 1974. I have, in some fashion, been involved in general elections, Scottish Parliamentary elections, referenda, local elections, and have never experienced anything like the sheer energy now being unleashed across Scotland to keep fighting for a better Scotland. Wow.

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