Breakey Blips

By ElizabethB

Scottish Referendum Day

18 Sept 2014. The day that won't be Scotland's independence day.
As an expat, it was easy to be swept along with the optimistic and risky vote of Yes. One of my Yes voting family said that she was quietly relieved when the answer to whether Scotland should be independent or not was a definite 55% No. Nothing much will change, in a hurry, at least.
For a country that had become considerably disconnected from the democratic means of effecting change, the 86% turn out at the ballot box was remarkable. In previous years, 35% was accepted as a good showing, so regardless of the final decision, confidence can be taken that the voice of Scotland, not just a politicised minority was heard.
Personally, I think that many of them may have been duped by big promises made by politicians desperate to maintain the status quo... But there you go. I don't pay taxes here and have no vote, which is appropriate.

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