Evening Light

Desperation snuck in for today's blip as I'd got nothing really on the camera after a dog walk round the fields. Decided on seeing just how many filters I could use on this oak tree :))

Dogs are exhausted, I'm exhausted and the house with all the decorating looks like a complete shambles so I've got to get on and sort out some curtain poles. Oh yes exciting stuff!

However on the plus side Hubs has been putting up bedroom ceiling lights all afternoon after sending me this morning, rather like a chimney sweep lad, up into the murky spider ridden confines of our attic to pull through all the wires through the million holes he's drilled for the ceiling lights. I think he got a bit carried away ... 14 to be exact and as I gingerly crawled between the purlins, over the joists and negotiated the years of storage plus mouse droppings the little voice underneath was calling through, 'Don't what ever you do take your feet off the joists as you'll fall through!' No pressure there then but...we do have light!! All good!

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