Holiday Souvenirs

A busy day on the domestic front, as it always is when you come back from a holiday! Several loads of washing (all dry now); collecting Simba from the cattery (he's delighted to be home); the supermarket shop; tidying things up in the garden; catching up on phone calls to friends and family etc etc.

No time to look for a blip, so these are my holiday souvenirs from Argyll and Bute! The pebbles are from a beautiful beach in Benderloch where we saw a seal (the dish is from another holiday!) and the little bud vase is from the Argyll Pottery. I usually buy a small jug from a local pottery when on holiday and I have a large collection on a window sill now, but there were none in stock the day I visited, so the bud vase will be a nice substitute.

What souvenirs do you bring home?

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